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Use an Account Set

Group the created accounts into an account set and check its balance.

Create an Account Set

This initial step sets up the framework for grouping accounts under a common set for streamlined financial management.


  • Account Set ID: The accountSetId uniquely identifies the account set being created.
  • Journal ID: The journalId links the account set to a specific journal.
  • Name: The name parameter specifies the label or designation of the account set. This name helps users and systems identify and refer to the account set in operations and reports.
  • Normal Balance Type: The normalBalanceType indicates the expected normal balance of the account set (either 'DEBIT' or 'CREDIT'). This setting is foundational for ensuring that the account set correctly represents the nature of the majority of its transactions, aiding in proper financial analysis.

GraphQL Request Body



Add an Account to the Account Set

After creating an account set, this section explains how to add individual accounts to it.


  • Account Set ID: The accountSetId specifies which account set the accounts are being added to. This ensures that the accounts are grouped correctly.
  • Member ID: The memberId refers to the unique identifier of the account (e.g., Alice - Checking) being added to the account set.
  • Member Type: The memberType indicates the type of member being added to the set, in this case, an "ACCOUNT." This helps the system understand how to treat the member within the set, whether it's an individual account or another entity type.

GraphQL Request Body



Check the Balance of the Account Set

This section explains how to query the balance of the entire account set. This operation is crucial for obtaining a consolidated view of the financial status represented by the account set, providing valuable insights into the overall financial health of the grouped accounts.


  • Account Set ID: The accountSetId is used to identify which account set's balance is being queried. This identification is essential for retrieving the correct balance information from potentially multiple sets.
  • Journal ID: The journalId helps to specify the journal context for the balance query. Since an account set could potentially be linked to multiple journals over time, this helps ensure the balance retrieved is relevant to the specified journal.
  • Currency: The currency specifies the currency unit (e.g., USD) in which the balance should be reported.

GraphQL Request Body




This page details how to use the GraphQL API to create an Account Set, add accounts, and query the balance of the Set. This method simplifies account management and enhances oversight by offering a unified view of financial health across grouped accounts. By consolidating accounts, businesses can streamline processes, enforce consistent transaction rules, and achieve detailed financial reporting and decision-making based on aggregated insights.